” Kupumzika Ni Mbinguni” Shosh Wa Kakamega Goes Viral For Begging Gifts On Tiktok

” Kupumzika Ni Mbinguni” Shosh Wa Kakamega Goes Viral For Begging Gifts On Tiktok
Tiktok is now becoming a source of income for many Kenyans. Remember in Kenya Tiktok is not monetized and most tiktokers depend on gifts from well wishers. This has made alot of people including the elderly people to join the platform and beg for gifts publicly.
In a video that has been going viral online, an elderly woman from Kakamega has gone viral online, after she joined tiktok and decided to come up with a very unique way of begging gifts.
The woman was pleading for people to gift her, as she chants that she will rest in heaven.
Here is the link to the full video on Instagram.
Here is the screenshot from the video on Instagram.
A good number of elderly women have joined tiktok, and to be honest they know how to beg for gifts, at the end of the day they make upto ksh.2000 and above, from begging gifts.