” Kunguni Zinataka Kunimaliza Kwa Single Room” Kenyan Man Complains Of Bedbugs Outbreak.

” Kunguni Zinataka Kunimaliza Kwa Single Room” Kenyan Man Complains Of Bedbugs Outbreak.
Bedbugs are usually very small but annoying insects, the outbreak of bedbugs was reported last year in France and the government tried to put all the measures in controlling them but it was difficult, the same has happened in Kenya and especially in Nairobi.
Yes there are some insecticides that do kill them, but they easily multiply and once they are in your house, if you don’t deal with them earlier then it will be difficult for you to control them once they multiply.
( Image for illustration purposes).
In a viral video, a young man living in the city, decided to show how the bedbugs have multiplied in his single room house, he can’t even sleep in peace. The young man showed his net and bed that was full of bedbugs.
He said he has tried to control them but it is impossible because they are also in his neighbours house, so they easily move into his house.
Here is the link of the full video on Tiktok.
Here are the screenshots of some of the comments from tiktokers.