” I’m Proud to Be Poor” Truthwatchdog Shows His Tiny Leaking Mabati House Where He Lives.

Famous tiktoker who has been going viral online,for standing for the Truth, Macloud well known as the Truthwatchdog, finally decided to open up on his life in poverty and why he stills lives in a Mabati house but famous.
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In the previous interviews, Truthwatchdog revealed that he is a father to many children that he has adopted. He pays school fees for them and houses them, hence the money he could have used to upgrade his life, he spends on adopted children.
The little money that remains, he puts on his project back at home, where he is building a house. The tiktoker and content creator said that he accepts where he is because it is as a result of his efforts.
In a tiktok video he showed the leaking roof of his tiny Mabati house. He said that he is used to this, and he doesn’t care what people say. He lives his real life and he knows that time will heal everything.
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Watchdog hasn’t begged for any contribution, he is just proud with his poverty lifestyle and he is optimistic that he will save himself one day.

He said that despite being famous, and doing expose that are risky, he always takes care of his adopted children and they are his top priority, however with time he hopes that things will be well.
Here is the link to the tiktok video.