
” Huku Nateseka Sana,Sijakula SikuTatu” Kasolo Held At Kitengela Prison,Risking 10Yr Jail For Cyber bullying Mengele

” Sijakula SikuTatu” Kasolo Held At Kitengela Prison,Risking 10Yr Jail For Cyber bullying Mengele

Gospel musician, Stephen Kasolo has been remanded at Kitengela prison for four days now, this is after he was arrested by the police officers, for cyber bullying his fellow gospel musician Stella Mengele.

Kasolo went live on Tiktok and said some bad things, some he used vulgar words in his native Kamba language. This angered Stella Mengele and she gave Kasolo 8 days to apologize publicly.

The musician refused to apologize, Mengele had no option but to report him for cyber bullying. She gave out all the video evidence showing that Kasolo cyber bullied her and also defamed her brand.

The police officers arrested Kasolo and he was put in a prison at Kitengela. His case is pending and it will be heard soon. If found guilty then Kasolo might be jailed for 10 years or subjected to a huge bail. The singer has complained that life in jail is harsh and he has gone hungry for 3 days.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.

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