CS Opiyo Wandayi: The Church Is Fighting Ruto Because Luos Are In Government

CS Opiyo Wandayi: The Church Is Fighting Ruto Because Luos Are In Government
Cabinet secretary of energy Opiyo Wandayi, who was among the most respected members of parliament of ODM, is among the senior politicians in government who are pushing for tribal politics. This is after his remarks in one of the events in Nyanza region.
Opiyo said that the church is now fighting William Ruto because luo people are in government. He said that Ruto is performing very well and government has amazed alot of Kenyans, the war Ruto is facing is based on tribalism. Those are the words of a cabinet secretary who has a degree and well educated.
Here is the link to the full video on Instagram.
The tribal politics are now being spread by government officials, they are trying to divide Kenyans, but the current generation is well educated and most people have called out Opiyo Wandayi for his remarks.
Sudi and Murkomen are also other government officials who are busy pushing for tribal politics instead of working for kenyans.