” He Must Die For Our Sins” Yesu Wa Tongaren Life in danger Again , As Netizens plan To Crucify Him on Easter

” HeMust Die For Our Sins” Yesu Wa Tongaren Life in danger As Netizens plan To Crucify Him on Easter
In 2024, police officers were forced to provide security for Yesu Wa Tongaren, after a section of Bungoma residents had plans to crucify him on Easter. They really wanted him dead, because they believed that Jesus died for their sins, and Yesu Wa Tongaren for claiming to be Jesus, he must also die for their sins.
This year also (2025), there are romours on the ground that a section of people are still planning to crucify Yesu Wa Tongaren on Easter. In an interview done by Afrimax, Yesu Wa Tongaren is still fearing for his life and he rarely appears in public. It is also difficult to trace his whereabouts.
Despite being loved by many netizens in Bungoma, there are also doubts of his security. Eliud Wekesa however still believes that he is Jesus Christ, and whatever is happening he saw it coming, and according to him those are fullfilments of the scripture, and they indeed prove that he is the chosen one and the one who will save the entire world from sins.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.