” He Is My Boyfriend And I Love Him The Way He Is ” Ikoh Rhoz Opens Up On Dating Willy Paul.

” He Is My Boyfriend And I Love Him The Way He Is ” Ikoh Rhoz Opens Up On Dating Willy Paul.
Famous tiktoker and well known dancer and content creator, Ikoh Rhozz finally decided to open up on dating Willy Paul. Ikoh said that they first met on 4th December 2023 after she had just parted ways with her ex boyfriend.
Before that they used to talk because she used to do tiktok challenges of his songs and send them to him. After vibing and getting to know each other, they decided to have something together.
Ikoh said that she just fell in love with Willy Paul automatically because they have similar energy. She said that she doesn’t mind sharing him, as long as he is taking care of her and maybe if he wants a second girlfriend he informs her. However so far so good they are good and they are enjoying both their relationship and friendship.
Ikoh said that no one is perfect, hence she just loves Willy Paul the way he is, despite all the dramas and expose of him in other ladies inbox trying to seduce them. She said it is a normal thing and she doesn’t have a problem with that.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.