
” Gilbert HakusuKumwa Alikuwa Mlevi Akashika Hewa Akaanguka” Eye Witness Of Supermetro Claims

” Gilbert HakusuKumwa Alikuwa Mlevi Akashika Hewa Akaanguka” Eye Witness Of Supermetro Claims

The story of Gilbert Thuku Kimani’s death is taking a twist. Supermetro is trying to distance themselves from being involved in the death of the young man.

According to some of the witnesses who allege to be on the scene, a man who claims to be in the same Matatu with Gilbert Thuku, when the incident happened, has claimed that Thuku wasn’t pushed by the conductor.

The man said that it is true that Thuku refused to pay ksh.30 because he had only ksh.50 . He alleged that he was drunk and after a short argument, he opted to go and stand on the door so that he can grab on the metals that are on the door, the way most conductors do.

But he unfortunately missed the metal, the vehicle was already moving, he fell down, and hy the time the driver was stopping, he was already badly injured. The witness maintains that Thuku wasn’t pushed.

Here is the link to the full video on Instagram.

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