Estimated Amount Of Millions Diana Marua Made From YouTube In October 2024

Estimated Amount Of Millions Diana Marua Made From YouTube In October 2024
Diana Marua or well known as Diana Bahati is one of the most famous and successful content creator in Kenya. She is also a musician and a brand influencer. However her main job is YouTube, she is a full time YouTuber with alot of brand ambassadors jobs.
Diana Marua has been making millions of money from YouTube. Currently she is among the female content creators with the highest YouTube subscription. She has 1.1 Million subscribers.
Through a reliable website, based on the statistics and analysis of her YouTube chay an estimate of what Diana Marua earns from YouTube has been published online and keeps on changing depending on months and her viral videos.
In the month of October 2024, Diana Marua is estimated to have earned between Ksh.2.4 Million and Ksh.5 Million.
Here is the screenshot of her estimated earnings.( Courtesy of Google).
Here is the link to the full information.
Apart from this, she is also making money in six figures monthly from the brands she always advertise on her social media pages.