Obinna Finally Reveals Why He Didn’t Attend Dem Wa Facebook Birthday Despite Being Invited

Obinna Finally Reveals Why He Didn’t Attend Dem Wa Facebook Birthday Despite Being Invited
Oga Obinna was among the top celebrities who were invited at Dem Wa Facebooks birthday event that happened over the weekend. Alot of people showed up including the close friends of Dem Wa Facebook apart from Oga Obinna.
Instead Obinna decided to go to Vinny Flava’s event which was happening at Nairobi Cinema. Through tiktok live Dem Wa Facebook made it clear that she invited Obinna and other people who even didn’t show up, but her fans showed up and gifted her expensive things.
After pressure from fans during his interview with Crazy Kennar, people were all over the comment section asking him about Dem Wa Facebook and why he didn’t attend the birthday party. Some of them were even insulting him.
Obinna said that he won’t speak much, but with time the whole truth that people don’t know will just come out. This suggests that there is a split between the two, and is among the reasons why Obinna decided to end the weekly show they used to do together.
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Here is the link to the full video on Tiktok.