The Rise And Fall Of Githeri Man: Fame, Alcohol And Unfulfilled Promises

The Rise And Fall Of Githeri Man: Fame, Alcohol And Unfulfilled Promises
2017 Was the year that completely changed the life of a 40 years old man then Martin Kamotho famous as Githeri Man. Just like other innocent voters, he left his house somewhere in Kayole and went at the polling station.
While waiting to cast his vote, he decided to buy some Githeri and started eating while at the queue. Another vote felt entertained with his actions and took his photo and posted it online. It went viral and just like that Martin Kamotho became a celebrity.
Television and big media houses were all over talking about him. He was interviewed with all big media houses in Kenya. He became a big deal within a blink of an eye. Brands were all over looking for him and giving him lucrative deals.
He was gifted phones worth Ksh.200,000 by Safaricom, he was gifted a land and given alot of promises. President Uhuru Kenyatta gave him ksh.100,000 and HSC honorary during the Mashujaa day celebrations. He was living a good life but all over sudden things change.
According to reliable sources, despite having a team, alcohol addiction made Githeri man very irrelevant and the brands that had promised him deals pulled out.
Everyone in his team dumped him, and he was left with nothing, he was forced to go back to his poor life, and as at 2024, it is alleged that he is somewhere in Kayole still struggling with life.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.