Martha Karua: My Salary As An MP In 1993 Was Ksh.5000 Every Month

Martha Karua: My Salary As An MP In 1993 Was Ksh.5000 Every Month
One of the most celebrated kenyan politician and a lawyer, Martha Karua, who is also identified as the iron lady, finally decided to open up on the transition of the members of parliament salaries since 1993.
Martha Karua revealed that she became a member of parliament in the year 1993, and her basic salary was Ksh.5000 every month. She said that teachers were even earning more than members of parliament back then.
Karua said that the total amount of money she used to receive that is in addition to some few allowances was ksh.19,000. After that members of parliament started to increase their salaries, and by the end of the first term, their salary had been increased to about Ksh.100,000 per month.
By the end of the second term the members of parliament were now receiving ksh.350,000 per month. The members of parliament have been receiving salary increase and allowances over years, and currently the basic salary of an MP is Ksh.840,000 every month, and if you add allowances it is over Ksh.1 Million every month.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.