The extraordinary story of a Ugandan man identified as Jean, is very inspiring to many people . Jean narrates how he went mad on his wedding day, and how almighty God came through for his rescue when his great day was going messy and everything was going left.

Jean who is currently a pastor and a born again Christian, said that he planned for his wedding very well. God had assured him that he will have a very great wedding. Everything was in place and they had even picked a date to do that wedding, which was actually on 25th December, and it was on a Saturday.
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Days moved on swiftly and when it reached on a Friday, the wedding was to happen on Saturday, non of the plans had been executed. Jean tried to call his friends so that they can send money they had promised him, but non of his friends picked his call.
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He was poor and he had nothing, he was just depending on friends contributions to fund his wedding. They were barely hours to his wedding and nothing had been done due to lack of money. His friends had betrayed him, and Jean could clearly see that the dream of doing a very amazing wedding were coming to an end.
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He became mentally disturbed, and went mad, guided by his feelings, Jean decided to escape a big embarrassement, by going to the far end of Uganda, where no one knows him.
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He went to the bus station and boarded a bus. But before the bus started the journey, A sound from nowhere told him to get out of the bus and go back home. Jean did so, and on his way home, someone mysteriously called him.
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The call changed everything, the person told him that he had promised to pay for his wedding clothes, and he has done that. Jean couldn’t believe it, his heart was full of joy. One thing led to another and in a span of 3 hours everything had changed.
Some of his close friends came for his rescue and the wedding plans were executed. Jean said that the experience thought him a very unforgettable lesson, which is to have trust in God and not people. He said that he had already gone mad but God came for his rescue.
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They did a very memorable wedding, it was indeed a very great day in his life. He still remembers how tears of sorrow turned into tears of joy. Jean and his wife are now a family and they have two children together. They are very prayerful and they always thank God for what happened on their wedding day.
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