
” Life Is Hard I Need Some Help” Baha Opens Up After Video Of His Kasusu Leaked Online

It has been a very tough week for Tyler Mbaya, well known as Baha of Machachari. This is after his private videos leaked online, on telegram. He was in a very compromising situation, and he was self satisfying himself.

Through his Instagram page, Baha shared  a video that somehow painted the picture of what he is going through. The video highlighted a number of challenges, which includes, childhood trauma, loneliness, stress and many other mental health issues.

The video also had captions about how life is hard, and how some people really need help. Baha captioned that whatever was being said in the video was true. This clearly suggested that the young man is currently going through alot. He needs help and Kenyans should stop bashing him.

Here are the captions from the video he posted on his Instagram page.


We hope all shall be well soon.

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