Bradley Marongo Dumps Director Trevor For A New Manager, Frank Celo
Bradley Marongo Dumps Director Trevor For A New Manager, Frank Celo
For the past 6 months , Director Trevor has been the one managing Bradley Marongo, and he has been the best manager ever, because he helped him to become a brand. He helped Bradley to sign deals worth millions of money with famous companies, but now it seems like the two have already parted ways.
It all started by not stepping together in public like before, now Bradley has changed his about on Instagram and he has revealed that his new brand manager is a young man by the name Frank Celo.
Here is the screenshot of Bradley Marongo’s Instagram account.
In addition to this, Director Trevor has unfollowed Bradley Marongo. It is now clear that there was a split or a disagreement between the two. Bradley is no longer consistent on YouTube and for the past one month he hasn’t been spotted signing any luxurious deal. The plan to take him to Dubai also seems to have stopped because Trevor was the one organising.