
“Anatumiwa Tuu” 2Mbili Exposes How Director Trevor Is Gaining Alot From Bradley’s Fame.

“Anatumiwa Tuu” 2Mbili Exposes How Director Trevor Is Gaining Alot From Bradley’s Fame.

Comedian 2mbili caused stir online, after he decided to reveal to the public how Director Trevor has been a great beneficiary of Bradley Marongo’s fame than Bradley himself.

Speaking in an interview with Obinna , 2 Mbili said that Trevor is currently the manager of Bradley, and he has been hiding Bradley, he even doesn’t want people to do interviews with him. Bradley’s fame is being tall and for him to gain more fame people need to continue seeing him trending on social media pages and that is possible through interviews.

In addition to this, 2mbili said that Trevor has been enjoying alot from the fame of Bradley, for example the Bata shoe deal, Bradley was promised 2 shoes, but his manager has been given 7 brand new shoes, while Bradley has only two shoes. He also said that the deal with Khushi motors, Trevor is the one enjoying it because he is rolling in the city with a Range rover given to Bradley for influencing.

2mbili said that it has reached a point where Trevor is the one who is posting Bradley’s deals more than Bradley himself. It is now like Trevor is the brand of Bradley.

He said that this is very sensitive and soon when Kenyans will stop seeing Bradley as a tall person, things may go left, because his fame will start fading.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.( Watch from the 35th minute).

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