
Ni God Tu, Bungoma Goliath Given A 2 Bedroom House In Kilimani And Shopping By A Well Wisher.

Ni God Tu, Bungoma Goliath Given A 2 Bedroom House In Kilimani And Shopping By A Well Wisher.

Isaac Wekesa well known as Bungoma Goliath is back in Nairobi, this is after he was forced to go back to the village, because things had become difficult in the city, and Manzi Wa Kibera was trying to take advantage and use him for fame.

Isaac who claims to be the lookalike of Bradley however got a reprieve after a well wisher decided to come through for him. A young man who is wealthy has decided to take Isaac and he has said that he will be his manager.

He first started by giving him a 2 bedroom house somewhere in Kilimani, where he owns several Airbnbs. The house is fully furnished and it just looks amazing. In addition to this the man did a shopping for him, and went on to promise him that he will change his life completely.

The man said that he will look for brand deals for Isaac and he also wants Kenyans to come through and support him so that they change his life completely.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.

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