
” Sitaki Kuolewa Nitaenda Mbinguni Direct” Meet 93 Years Old World Oldest Virgin Fatuma Mali.

Celibacy is not an easy journey and it is usually difficult for a good number of human beings to stay years without intercourse. This is a personal decision that requires dedication and one must be ready to handle pressures and criticism that comes along with Celibacy.

Fatuma Mali now stands out as the world oldest virgin. The woman who hails from Africa had an interview with Afrimax English. Fatuma said that she is 93 years and she has never had an affair with any man. She said that even getting married has never been an option to her.

When she was still young she used to reject men, she lived with her parents till they all died and she remained at their house. She dedicated her time to serving God and just improving herself. Fatuma said that she has been facing alot of criticism, some even calling her a witch but this has never affected her lifestyle.

She said that she will never get married and she even doesn’t have an urge of becoming someone’s wife. She is just happy and she is still strong enough to depend on herself. She will empress celibacy till death.

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